Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
133225 Performance Matters 2369-2537 Burnaby BC: Institute for Performance Studies Simon Fraser University
17845 Performance Measurement and Metrics 1467-8047 Emerald
40178 Performance Practice Review 1044-1638 Claremont Graduate University
17846 Performance Research 1352-8165 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
21498 Performance improvement advisor 1543-6160
47526 Performances Humaines et Techniques 1247-7575 Performances humaines et techniques
7733 Performing Arts Journal 0735-8393 JSTOR
7734 Performing Arts Review 0031-5249 Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundating
7735 Perfumer and flavorist 0272-2666 Allured Publishing Corporation
17847 Perfusion 0267-6591 SAGE Publications
17848 PerinatalMedizin 0936-7160 Springer Verlag
17849 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 0031-5303 Springer Verlag
23466 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
122865 Periodica Polytechnica Chemical Engineering 0324-5853 Budapest : BUTE
105384 Periodica Polytechnica. Transportation Engineering 0303-7800 Budapest University of Technology and Economics - BUTE
133243 Periodico di Mineralogia 0369-8963 Sapienza Università di Roma
17850 Periodontology 2000 0906-6713 Wiley
69061 Perioperative Medicine 2047-0525 BioMed Central
17851 Perioperative Nursing Clinics 1556-7931 WB Saunders
117313 Peritia: Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland 0332-1592 The Medieval Academy of ireland
21497 Peritoneal Dialysis International 0896-8608 SAGE
20537 Perkin Transactions 1
20538 Perkin Transactions 2
17852 Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 1045-6740 Wiley
374475 Permanences critiques 2736-7525 Action et recherche culturelle (ARC)
7736 Perpustakaan Malaysia 0553-7002 Persatuan Perpustakaan Malaysia
116636 Persian Journal of Acarology 2251-8169
40180 Persica 0079-0893 Peeters Publishers
793585 Persona 2649-9975 Persona éditions
7737 Personal Computing 0192-5490 Personal Computing
7738 Personal Finance Law Quarterly Report 0362-6342 Conference on Personal Finance Law
17854 Personal Relationships 1350-4126 Wiley
40181 Personal Report for the Administrative Professional National Institute Of Business Management Inc
40182 Personal Technologies 0949-2054 Springer Verlag
17853 Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 1617-4909 Springer Verlag
16531 Personality and Individual Differences 0191-8869 Elsevier
7740 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 0146-1672 SAGE Publications
17855 Personality and Social Psychology Review 1088-8683 SAGE Publications
169078 Personality disorders 1949-2723 Educational Pub. Foundation of the American Psychological Association
17856 Personalized Medicine 1741-0541 Future Medicine
7741 Personnel 0031-5702 American Management Association
7742 Personnel Administration 0031-5710 Washington, The Society for Personnel Administration
7746 Personnel Management 0031-5761 Bailey Brothers and Swinfen Ltd
7747 Personnel Psychology 0031-5826 Wiley
17857 Personnel Review 0048-3486 Emerald
7748 Personnel Today -Sutton 0959-5848 Reed Business Publications
7749 Personnel Training and Education 0960-1619 Library Association Personnel Training and Education Group
128010 Personnel. La revue de l'ANDRH 0223-5692 ANDCP ; ANDRH - Association nationale des directeurs des ressources humaines
120354 Persoonia 0031-5850 Naturalis Biodiversity Center / Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute
7750 Perspecta 0079-0958 JSTOR
88154 Perspectiva Geográfica 2500-8684 Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
176645 Perspectivas : Journal of Political Science 1646-2157 School of Economics and Management University of Minho
150989 Perspectivas Nietzscheanas 0327-7674 Ediciones Lembas
1918 Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação 1413-9936 Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
115743 Perspective 2275-9131 CIRAD
115744 Perspective (English edition) 2275-9190 Cirad
7751 Perspective (Madison, WI) 0888-9732 Magna Publications, Inc
103562 Perspective - la revue de l'INHA : actualités de la recherche en histoire de l'art 1777-7852 Institut national d'histoire de l'art / A. Colin
21496 Perspective infirmière : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec 1708-1890
164718 Perspective soignante 1287-1168 S. Arslan
77188 Perspectives (Réseau français des instituts d'études avancées) 2263-1577 RFIEA
7752 Perspectives (United States Commission on Civil Rights) 0274-855X Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office
21495 Perspectives -Toronto 0831-7445 Gna Gerontological Nursing Association
103871 Perspectives : revue de l'Université hébraïque de Jérusalem 0793-2839 Magnès Université Hébraïque
150123 Perspectives : revue trimestrielle de l'éducation 0304-3045 UNESCO
103821 Perspectives Agricoles 0399-8533 Arvalis
159824 Perspectives Agricoles 0399-8533
156846 Perspectives Agricoles. Supplément Fourrages 0994-7167
70804 Perspectives Culturelles de la Consommation 2257-2740 EMS éditions ; Presses universitaires de Caen
164937 Perspectives France Vietnam 1769-8863 Association d'amitié franco-vietnamienne
1919 Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé 1481-9384 PISTES
157642 Perspectives Méditerranéennes 0240-8430
500058 Perspectives Philosophiques (Revue ivoirienne de philosophie et sciences humaines) 2313-7908 Département de philosophie - Université Alassane Ouattara
63224 Perspectives Psy 0031-6032 EDP sciences
22946 Perspectives chinoises 1021-9013 Centre d'étude français sur la Chine contemporaine
44195 Perspectives documentaires en éducation 1148-4519 ENS Editions
7753 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 0031-5982 Johns Hopkins University Press
17860 Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design 0928-2866 Springer Verlag
133078 Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 2530-0644
7754 Perspectives in Mexican American studies 0889-8448 University of Arizona, Mexican American Studies & Research Center
120745 Perspectives in Phycology 2198-011X
17861 Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 1433-8319 Elsevier
17862 Perspectives in Plastic Surgery 0892-3957 Thieme Publishing Group
17863 Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 0031-5990 Wiley
101648 Perspectives in Science 2213-0209 Elsevier
17864 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery 0894-8046 Thieme Publishing Group
17865 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy 1531-0035 SAGE Publications
17866 Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 0887-9885 JSTOR
73038 Perspectives missionnaires Association Perspectives Missionnaires
121087 Perspectives médiévales 0338-2338 Société de langues et littératures médiévales d’oc et d’oïl (SLLMOO)
7755 Perspectives of New Music 0031-6016 New Music, Inc
1920 Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness 1471-5597 Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness
17868 Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 1569-1497 Brill Academic Publishers
7756 Perspectives on Political Science 1045-7097 Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
17858 Perspectives on Politics 1537-5927 Cambridge University Press (CUP)
16532 Perspectives on Psychological Science 1745-6916 Association for Psychological Science
17869 Perspectives on Science 1063-6145 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press (MIT Press)
13546 Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 1538-6341 Guttmacher Institute
118531 Perspectives protestantes Association Perspectives protestantes
40183 Perspectives Économiques de l'OCDE 0304-3274 OECD Publications Centre